We ask that you please submit a ticket regarding this issue and provide the following information.
- Your Nexon Account ID or email address associated with your account.
- Which Operating System does your computer run?
- Which web browsers do you use?
- If you have any antivirus programs installed on your PC please list them.
- Please list the steps you take in which you are presented with this issue.
- Does the issue remain once you've uninstalled and re-installed the Nexon Launcher?
Additionally we request that you provide the Nexon Launcher log file which is located in the Nexon Launcher installation folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Nexon\Nexon Launcher\nexon_runtime_debug.log
You can submit a ticket to us by clicking on "Submit a request" in the bottom right hand corner of this article.
***Please include the KB article number 204939275 in the subject of your ticket***